Monday, October 29, 2007

Ugly Sweater Christmas Party

We’re thinking about doing a Christmas Crawl on December 15th. Same concept - no costumes necessary but they make everything more fun:) Just a night for everyone in the complex to get to know each other a little better and hang out at each others pad.

We should all think of more activities to have in each condo - like Pam's Air Guitar - that was fun!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Avenue One Blogg

Hi Everyone, this is the blog for Avenue One residents.
Lets keep in touch:-D

We are trying to get a haloween condo hopping party going - The idea is to party at each (participating) condo for 45 min and move to the next. Costumes, decorations, (maybe) an adult beverage or 2- it could be great fun. Let us know if you want to participate